Natural Garden Natives News & Events

Enjoy this collection of articles from previous Native newsletters, including many articles from native expert Trish Beckjord.

One Year Later – Evaluating the Pond Planting

Rooted Wisdom: Growing Native Plants with Enrique Rodriguez Enrique Rodriguez is the Production Foreman at Midwest Natural Garden. He has been with the Midwest Companies since 1999. This article was compiled from insights and production practices shared by Enrique. Last…

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Celebrating Pollinator Week

June 19-25, 2023 is Pollinator Week! In celebration of Pollinator Week, we took a walk around the Midwest Natural Garden with Enrique to get an up-close look at the four different Asclepias in our Natural Garden Natives® stock beds.

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Sowing Native Seeds

Sowing seeds at the Midwest Natural Garden is a process that has been refined through years of experience, reporting, and observation.

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Native Plants in the Fall Garden

By Carol Becker The native plants in my garden tell me when summer is beginning to turn toward autumn. Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginicum) is already blooming in the shady rain garden despite lack of rain. Royal Catchfly (Silene regia) grows…

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Using Native Plants to Manage Water

By Carol Becker It rains hard and often in spring, and then we have big puddles, muddy gardens and soggy lawns. Then midsummer comes and the garden is dry and hot. The plants are gasping for water and the soil…

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